Working in collaboration with several local councils, Club Marítmo Carrumeiro, Club Náutico de Camariñas, Royal Galician Sailing Federation, and General Secretariat for Sports, Stolt Sea Farm has developed a successful drawing contest for school children as part of the ‘O Mar na Escola, Xogando co Vento’ initiative.
The Stolt Sea Farm drawing contest is designed to educate schoolchildren, through the promotion of creativity and active participation, about aquaculture, its advantages and the health benefits of eating fish. The winning children along with their classmates have the opportunity to visit one of Stolt Sea Farm’s facilities to learn about fish farming and the breeding process
Sponsored by Stolt Sea Farm, the ‘O Mar na Escola, Xogando co Vento’ programme is an initiative that aims to bring school children closer to the sea and throughout the programme the children have the opportunity to learn about marine resources, environmental care, sailing and aquaculture.