Stolt Sea Farm (SSF) is delighted to have once again supported the unique Galician education programme for school students, Sea at School 2023, Playing with the Wind (‘O Mar na Escola, Xogando co Vento’), in collaboration with local government and community associations.
This is the fifth year that SSF has been involved in the programme, which allows local students to experience school with a marine and maritime focus. The participants spend three months learning about sustainable aquaculture and fishing and how to value and care for the ocean's resources, which are so important to this region.
As in previous years, SSF sponsored the drawing competition which required the students to use their creativity to illustrate turbot aquaculture and its benefits for both our health and the planet. This year's winner, 11-year-old Fátima (pictured above with her winning entry), will visit one of SSF’s facilities with her classmates to learn more about sustainable fish farming.
This initiative is perfectly aligned with SSF's mission to ensure future generations continue to enjoy wonderful seafood. Please watch our video on sustainability in which employees' children explain what this term means to them.
Pictured above from left to right: Manuela Gomez (Marketing and Business Development Manager, SSF), the competition winner Fátima, Javier de Francisco (Public Administrations Manager, SSF) and Iago Toba (Muxia city Mayor).