For more than 20 years, Stolt Sea Farm has been collaborating with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) to research probiotics in aquaculture. Probiotics are a sustainable way to enhance the health of fish, in the same way they benefit humans, animals and plants.
Recently, the leader of DTU’s research team, Professor Lone Gram, and her colleagues visited SSF’s Cervo farm in Spain to conduct a training session on the application of probiotics in aquaculture farms and how they benefit marine larval cultures. SSF’s fish welfare, production, hatchery, and research and development teams took part in the session.
Professor Gram (pictured far left) explains: “Probiotics are live microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the health of the host. In our collaboration with Stolt Sea Farm, we have focused on fish larvae and how probiotic bacteria can inhibit bacteria that can cause disease. The use of probiotics provides a sustainable way of improving larval health and is also gaining a lot of interest in rearing of terrestrial animals and in crop protection.”
Stolt Sea Farm’s Research and Development Manager, Ana María Riaza (pictured above, second from right), adds: “Professor Gram is an expert in the field of research, selection and application of probiotics in aquaculture and we were delighted to welcome her and her team to our facility.
“Our collaboration, which began in 2000, has been of mutual benefit; with Professor Gram and her team providing the latest research results and SSF supporting the practical application and advising on some areas of focus. As a result, we have made considerable progress in the effective application of probiotics in aquaculture and sustainable fish welfare.”
By closely managing and monitoring fish welfare through programmes like this, Stolt Sea Farm ensures the health of its livestock at every stage of its lifecycle and continues to produce high-quality, sustainable seafood.